Members Morning: "Intrigue, Conjecture and Fabulation"
9:00 am – 10:00 am
1031 N. Olive Road
Tucson, Arizona 85719
A Talk by Docent Sarah Bodney
Upcoming Early Closure
UAMA will close at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, in preparation for a private museum event.
We believe in the power of art to spark essential conversations and enhance research at our university and in our community.
Please note that this event has already taken place.
A Talk by Docent Sarah Bodney
Maria Verelst (after), Portrait of Henrietta St. John, Lady Luxborough [detail], 1720 (Approx), Oil, Gift of Carl R. Buschner Estate
For our October Members Morning, join UAMA docent Sarah Bodney for a talk on "Intrigue, Conjecture and Fabulation: Arts Appeal to the Imagination."
Together we'll journey through 18th-Century Europe on the heels of an unknown young woman who may just be carrying a message of illicit love...
Come mingle with fellow members over coffee, pastries and eight centuries of art. Please register below to join us!
Members Morning is a series where the UAMA opens one hour early to Museum Members on the first Saturday of every month and offers exclusive programming. Not yet a UAMA Member? Learn about the benefits.
With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations at this event — such as ASL interpreting, closed-captioning, wheelchair access, or electronic text, etc. — please contact Visitor & Member Services Lead Myriam Sandoval, 520-626-2087.