
Upcoming Early Closure

UAMA will close at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, in preparation for a private museum event.

Arizona Arts

Our Stories: High School Art

This annual exhibition showcases the creativity and artistic achievement of high school artists across Tucson and Pima County. 

The exhibition Our Stories: High School Artists 2025 will be on display at the University of Arizona Museum of Art from February 15 – May 17, 2024. High school art teachers are invited to select up to two artworks created by students during the 2024-2025 school year to showcase at the UAMA. Multiple teachers from the same school—including non-art teachers for those schools that do not have multiple art teachers—may submit two student artworks each.

New for 2024-2025

We especially invite artworks that connect to one or more of the following themes, inspired by the work of Hank Willis Thomas and the exhibition Hank Willis Thomas: LOVERULES that will coincide with the high school exhibition this spring.

  • Love of self, others, community, the world. Love as a transforming force in the world. What does love look like in action?
  • Media and pop culture: How do the media or images we see shape our view of the world and ourselves? What happens when artists re/use iconic or historical images or designs?
  • Transformation: Re/using materials and images in new ways, changing your perspective, seeing something in a new light. How can art impact change in ourselves or in the world? 
  • Language, text, symbols: How does art communicate a message? Is the meaning of a word or image always the same?

How to Participate

1. Teachers: Carefully review the submission guidelines below and select up to two artworks/artists to participate.

2. Work with students and parent/guardian (for students under 18) to complete and submit this online submission form no later than Sunday December 15. This required form is the “permission slip” where student/family member authorizes UAMA to store and display the artwork. It also asks for full artwork details (title, dimensions, materials) and contact info for student and teacher, and gives the option for student artists to create a 150 word statement to appear with their artwork.

3. Teacher, student, or family member must drop off artwork ready to hang Saturday January 11 – Saturday February 1, 2024Ready to hang means that it is framed (if applicable) and has wire, bracket, or something else that can be hung on a screw in the wall. UAMA will provide pedestals for 3D artworks. Artworks may be dropped off during regular Museum hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am-4:30pm. For drop-off outside these hours, please contact Willa Ahlschwede at to arrange. Artworks must be identified with the following info: Student Name, Teacher Name, and High School (for example, on the back of the artwork).


Dates and Deadlines

Final deadline to submit online form (including artwork info and permissions): Sunday December 15 by midnight

Time period to physically drop-off artworks at UAMA: Saturday January 11 – Saturday February 1

Exhibit on view: Saturday February 15 – Saturday May 17

Closing celebration and artwork pick-up: Saturday May 17 (time TBA)


Submission Guidelines

  • Maximum size: No larger than 40 inches in any dimension (height/width/depth). Maximum dimension includes the frame.
  • Media: 2D and 3D artworks in a wide variety of media will be accepted: drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, fiber, mixed media, and more.
  • This opportunity is open to all high school students in Tucson and Pima County. There is no fee to submit or participate in the exhibition.
  • Artworks must be selected for submission by a teacher of high school art (or related subject). Maximum of 2 student artworks may be selected per TEACHER. Multiple teachers from a single school may submit up to 2 artworks each. One submission per student.
  • Artwork must be dropped off ready to hang including frame (if applicable) and hanging hardware for 2D artworks. The UAMA reserves the right to not display works that are unable to be hung/displayed safely in the gallery, or in the event that we receive more artworks than will safely fit in the space.
  • Artworks must have been created any time in the 2024-2025 school year.

Outstanding Emerging High School Artist Awards

Five participating artists will also be chosen to receive the Outstanding Emerging High School Artist Award, selected by a jury of UAMA staff and faculty from the University of Arizona School of Art. In partnership with the School of Art, we are excited to offer $1,000 tuition awards to any Outstanding Emerging High School Artist awardee who enrolls as a BA or BFA major at the School of Art in the next two years and notifies their School of Art advisor they would like to use the award. Jurors will judge artworks based on craft/confident use of materials, originality, overall composition, and strength/development of the idea or concept.

If you have any questions or need support with any part of the submission process, please contact Willa Ahlschwede, 520-621-7110.
